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MPR News Story About Property Maps Features Widseth’s Land Survey Team


There is an estimated 300,000 land survey monuments across the state of Minnesota. These monuments are not what you might expect. They’re not large statues or prominent landmarks. The original survey monuments were just wooden stakes pounded into the ground to physically mark the one-square-mile grid that covers the state. All surveys, whether it be for a new interstate project or a fence in your backyard, reference this grid. Surveyors have learned over the years that the original monuments placed back in the 1800s may not be 100% accurate.

Garrett Borowicz and Brandon Carlson, part of Widseth’s land survey team, are currently working on locating and certifying the monuments in Polk County. Of the 6,580 original monuments, only nine percent have verified coordinates. This creates problems for people who depend on digital maps to accurately identify property lines.

Read the MPR News article A Treasure Hunt To Make Minnesota Property Maps More Accurate by Dan Gunderson to learn more about this interesting project.

Featured image credit: Dan Gunderson, MPR News. 

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