DiscoverE is the backbone organization behind National Engineers Week and several other engineering related programs. Its mission is to get students excited about careers in engineering. To celebrate Engineers Week, February 16-22, 2025, we decided to sit down with five employees from our engineering team and ask them about their profession, the future of engineering, and what advice they have for students. This post features graduate engineer Alyssa Fena from our Hibbing office.
What’s the most unusual or interesting thing you’ve encountered during a project?
I didn’t personally work on this project, but I was told about it and shown pictures as a cautionary tale. A contractor was installing lights in a building, but a structural beam was in the way. Instead of adjusting the placement, they decided to cut the light fixture around the beam to make it fit.
If you could have a superpower that would help you be a better engineer what would it be?
I’d want the ability to read people’s minds—not by hearing their thoughts, but by instantly understanding and interpreting exactly what they mean, even when they struggle to explain it clearly.
What advice do you have for students considering a career in engineering?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions—that’s how you learn to do things the right way. Also, listen to the stories of experienced engineers. If they’re sharing a story, there’s probably a good reason for it.
What are your predictions for the future of engineering?
I see AI becoming more integrated into everyday workflows, though I’m not sure exactly what that will look like yet.
How does your work as an engineer impact your community?
My work as an engineer supports economic growth by enabling new developments and upgrading existing infrastructure to ensure reliability, sustainability, and comfort for businesses and public spaces.
What’s one thing that nobody knows about you?
Engineering wasn’t my original career path—before pursuing my engineering degree, I earned a bachelor’s of science in biology.
If I were to have lunch with you what would you order?
I always like to try the new things on the menu, but one of my go-to orders is the Bacon Brie Burger with sweet potato fries from Boomtown in Hibbing. Also, their Bacon+ Brussels as an appetizer!

Alyssa Fena cheering on the Minnesota Vikings.