Water, Wastewater, & Stormwater Design
Civil Engineering to Help You Manage Your Water Systems
Whether it’s treating and distributing clean water to your constituents, transferring and treating your wastewater, or managing your surface water, Widseth’s civil engineers will make sure your systems are efficient, affordable, and properly scaled for your community.

Water Treatment Design
Providing a community with quality drinking water is extremely important. Our civil engineers are well-versed in the supply, treatment, storage, and distribution of potable water resources.
Water treatment plant design
Water tower design
Water lines layout and design
Environmental review
Soil borings coordination
Well pumping coordination

Wastewater Treatment Design
Your wastewater needs to be properly collected and treated to avoid health and safety hazards. Our civil engineers will make sure your system is efficient and affordable.
Stabilization pond design
Wastewater treatment facility upgrades
Sludge handling
Mechanical wastewater treatment
Alternative on-site systems
Constructed wetlands

Water Resources
Staffed by civil engineers and GIS professionals with particular focus on protecting our waters, Widseth’s water resources team offers expertise you can count on and trust.
Stormwater management
Hydrologic/hydraulic modeling and analysis
Land surveying and hydrographic surveying
Project design and construction

To have quality utilities like our sewer plant is very important to the health and safety of our residents and our visitors. Widseth helped with not only the engineering but also the funding and financing elements as well which was very helpful to the city.
Watch Videos About Our Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Projects
Listen to our clients describe their experience working with Widseth's engineers and the benefits they see from our water, wastewater, and stormwater projects.