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Truck Center Companies Receives Building of the Year Award From the MBCEA


Earlier this year, Truck Center Companies in Mankato, Minnesota, was awarded the 2024 Building of the Year Award from the Metal Building Contractors & Erectors Association (MBCEA). Widseth’s Dana Hlebichuck was the architect on the project with APX Construction Group managing construction on the 96,000 sq. ft building.

The project is a new prototype with a large glass atrium showroom and sales area, which contains vehicle accessories and is filled with natural daylight. An Express Service Bay accommodates nine vehicles inside with space for additional vehicles outside. The building features 29 service bays with an additional 12 bays for the body shop. A prep and paint booth is also featured within the body shop wing. The parts storage wing includes a recessed loading dock, van access, and high-tech, automated, vertical parts storage rack system.

Explore the Truck Center Companies project in the short video below.

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