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VIDEO: Agnes Blvd. Improvements Provide a Safe Connection for Pedestrians


Agnes Blvd. just north of downtown Alexandria was once a winding county road. With no shoulder for foot traffic, people avoided the narrow road altogether. Acting on their 1995 comprehensive plan to increase accessibility to pedestrians, the City of Alexandria began a course for improvement.

Since then, Agnes Blvd. has seen significant improvements. The road itself now has curbs, drainage, and updated lighting. A biking and walking trail, situated between the shore of lake Agnes and Agnes Blvd., has quadrupled the amount of foot traffic along the route. The trail also features benches and lighting for pedestrians.

Widseth assisted the City of Alexandria throughout the Agnes Blvd. project, providing civil engineering, survey, water resources, and resident communication services. Check out this video featuring Alexandria’s city planner Mike Weber showcasing the completed project.

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