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Widseth Named Among 50 Best Places to Work


The employee satisfaction-driven “50 Best Places to Work” list has welcomed Widseth to its ranks for the sixth year in a row.

Through a competitive nomination process, Prairie Business Magazine recognizes the top 50 places to work in their coverage area—North Dakota, South Dakota, and western Minnesota. Employees submit nominations, ensuring the employees’ perspectives determine their employer’s worthiness of this honor.

Widseth’s employees organized a concerted response to the call for nominations, which were judged on responses to three questions:

  • Why should this company be one of Prairie Business’s 50 Best Places to Work?
  • What culture initiatives or benefits set this company apart from the rest?
  • Does working for this company reward you with job satisfaction and opportunities to learn and grow?

According to a Prairie Business news release, the publication received more than 1,700 nominations this year. The release quoted editor Carrie McDermott as saying, “We are excited to see so many participants in this year’s contest. It is good to see the many companies who have been here before, but also to see some new names on the list. This goes to show that there definitely are some great companies in our region.”

Widseth is honored to continue to be among such good company.

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