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Design for Cultural & Civic Spaces

Places for People to Gather, Learn, and Perform

You will embark on a transformative journey with Widseth’s seasoned design team as we guide you through the process to make your vision come to life. From innovative design concepts to meticulous execution and forward-thinking planning, we're committed to delivering exceptional projects that are fully inclusive and stand the test of time.

Sports & Recreation Planning & Design - User Group Meetings

Consultation & Visioning

During this initial phase, we collaborate closely with your team to understand the essence of your project.

User Group Meetings and Needs Verification

We introduce our design experts to your leadership and stakeholder groups. Through user group meetings, we interview key decision-makers to ensure a clear grasp of your requirements and goals.

Thorough Inquiry and Fresh Perspective

We ask pertinent questions, actively listen, and offer a fresh perspective. This allows us to fine-tune our understanding of the project objectives and may lead to adjustments in our approach to align with your vision.

Refined Project Scope

Based on the insights gathered, we redefine the project scope, if necessary, and update the program. At this point, high-level concept plans are crafted, serving as a strategic guide for the forthcoming design phase.

Concept renderings for civic projects

Design & Planning

In this phase, creativity takes shape as we lay the foundation for your project’s design and planning.

Detailed Design Blueprint

We take the conceptual ideas from the previous phase and translate them into detailed floor plans. These plans provide a concrete representation of the project, including carefully defined spaces and functionality.

Comprehensive Construction Estimate

Alongside the detailed plans, we present a preliminary construction estimate. This financial outline aids in marketing efforts and community engagement initiatives such as fundraising campaigns.

Final Design

As we finalize the design phase, we solidify the next stage of the project with a clear direction and comprehensive vision. This marks a significant milestone as we move closer to construction.

Construction administration

Execution & Delivery

With the vision defined and the plans set, we transition into the execution and delivery phase of the project:

Thorough Construction Documentation

Upon your approval of the final design, we begin creating a complete set of construction documents. These plans are pivotal for competitive bidding, obtaining building permits, and facilitating the construction process.

Seamless Construction Phasing

As we delve into the construction document phase, our design is locked in and we initiate the bidding and general construction stages. We collaborate closely with the general contractor to devise a construction schedule and a phasing plan if necessary to minimize disruption during construction.

Future-Ready Planning

Our commitment extends beyond the immediate project. We acknowledge the growth and evolution of the community and we anticipate and plan for future expansion possibilities, technological advancements, and potential building upgrades.

Heidi Hahn - Brainerd Public Schools Superintendent
Heidi Hahn
Brainerd Public Schools

“It is an AMAZING performing arts center. It’s a gift to our kids for sure, but even more so to our community.”

Cultural & Civic Project Videos

These videos help our clients communicate the vision of their projects. They also can aide in fundraising efforts, community support, and awareness.


Featured Cultural & Civic Projects

Veterans Memorial Park

Cultural & Civic News & Information