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Street & Highway Design

Engineering to Improve Traffic, Safety, and Mobility

Roadways play an important role in how a city or region functions. Well-designed streets and highways provide efficient, safe transportation systems for goods and people while keeping drivers, travelers, and pedestrians safe. Widseth’s civil engineers offer expertise that will improve your community’s traffic, safety, and mobility.

Streets & Highways Design - Planning

Planning & Public Involvement

We begin with you. Widseth’s team will lead an initial kick-off meeting during which we will establish project goals, timeframe, budget, and your Project Management Team (PMT). Simultaneously, Widseth’s land survey team will be working to establish existing conditions, topography, right-of-ways, etc., while also researching existing information on the project area and gathering information on existing utilities or other systems that may be impacted by the project. All this data comes together to give us a solid foundation to work from as we proceed with the project.

A well-rounded project team leads to broad support from elected and appointed officials, adjacent property owners, and the public at large. A public involvement process, tuned specifically to your community, provides opportunities for the public to express their visions, needs, and concerns for the project. Widseth’s engineers, with guidance from your project team, incorporate this input into proposed design solutions.

Streets & Highways Design - Quality Control

Design & Quality Control

A good design balances competing interests such as vehicular through traffic; bicycle, pedestrian, and other “vulnerable” users; landowners; and financial opportunities/costs. Our mission is to work alongside you to design streets, roadways, highways, and trails that strike an ideal balance for all users long into the future.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) are key to our approach. Widseth professionals who are not involved with the project comprise the QA/QC team, allowing for an independent internal review of the project. This objective look at your project will surface potential trouble spots long before they become issues.

Streets & Highways Design - Construction Observation

Construction Staging & Observation

From small to multiple-phase construction projects, Widseth’s team works closely with you to ensure the safety of your residents, traveling public, and construction crews. Aspects to consider include detour routes; access to residences, businesses, and public amenities; and the long-term outcome of the project. Widseth works closely with the city or county to establish staging and traffic management protocols.

Widseth’s certified construction observation professionals will be on site as project needs dictate to oversee construction and ensure the project is built as designed, answer questions, and serve as a liaison to the public.

Jill Kemen 2022 - 1000 px
Jill Kemen
City of Dawson
City Clerk

Working with Widseth is amazing! They’re always there and have helped us every step of the way. They’re a partner everyone needs.

Watch Videos About Our Road Projects

Listen to our clients describe their experience working with Widseth's engineers and the benefits they see from our street and highway projects.


Featured Street & Highway Projects

CSAH 77 Roundabout - Nisswa
Agnes Blvd – Alexandria

Street & Highway Design News & Information