Brownfield Assessments
Widseth’s scientists have completed several brownfield projects from large industrial complexes to small pesticide release sites. We provide many types of environmental services, including the following programs and plans:
- Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)
- Voluntary Investigation and Clean-up (VIC)
- Development Response Action Plans (DRAPs)
- Limited Site Investigations (LSIs)
- Construction observation for hazardous and contaminated materials
- Petrofund applications
- Corrective action excavation reporting
Compliance and Permitting
Our environmental scientists prepare necessary applications and documents, negotiate with regulatory agencies, and coordinate permit approvals for projects.
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs)
- Industrial stormwater plans
- Agriculture monitoring
- Erosion control planning and observation
- Environmental monitoring
Environmental Reviews
Widseth’s environmental scientists perform Alternative Urban Areawide Reviews (AUAR), Environmental Assessments (EA), Environmental Narratives (EN), Environmental Reports (ER), Environmental Assessment Worksheets (EAW) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), for state and federal agencies, to examine how a project may impact wetlands, wildlife, groundwater, transportation, farmland, and residents.
Wetland Services
We have a team of certified wetland specialists that know the rules and regulations of wetlands and the best ways to protect them. In addition to wetland expertise, we also have a strong background in the supporting sciences of hydrology, soil science, and ecology. Our environmental services staff is trained in current field methods, restoration and creation technologies, and regulatory compliance assistance.
- Wetland delineation
- Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) permitting including: no-loss determinations, exemptions, and wetland replacement plans
- Federal permitting including: 404 permitting and jurisdictional determinations
- MN DNR permitting for public waters
- Wetland mitigation strategies
- Created and restored wetland designs
- Wetland bank and restoration monitoring
- Functional value assessments
- Wetland banking applications
- Floristic Quality Index (FQI) and Hydrogeomorphic Analysis (HGM) assessments
Landfill Services
Widseth’s environmental scientists and technicians provide a variety of services for landfills including groundwater sampling, reporting, permitting, and design.
Environmental News
Today is World Wetlands Day. Wetlands are crucial ecosystems that provide environmental, economic, and social benefits. However, they are also…