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Small Cities Development Funds May be Available for Your Project


Your city may be eligible for Small Cities grant funds for a downtown streetscape, or an essential water or wastewater infrastructure project.

Up to $600,000 of funding is available per project. If combined with a housing rehabilitation project, your city could qualify for up to $1.4 million.

Your project must meet one of three federal objectives:

  • Benefit people of low and moderate incomes
  • Eliminate slum and blight conditions
  • Eliminate an urgent threat to public health or safety

Public infrastructure requests such as a streetscape, must benefit people of low to moderate income. If your city is close to meeting the low to moderate income eligibility for public facilities, we can help by administering an income survey to assure eligibility.

Widseth’s Funding Department has helped numerous cities access this funding program. Find details at Minnesota Employment and Economic Development and contact Widseth’s Gail Leverson to learn more.

“I enjoy the challenge of developing a compelling and persuasive story to help communities fund essential needs.”

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