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2024 Mill & Overlay and Full Depth Reclamation Improvements Project Municipal Project No. 4424

Project Overview

The City of Baxter is considering improvements to various roadway segments within the municipal limits as part of the City of Baxter’s ongoing pavement management program. Residential and commercial roadways are scheduled for maintenance improvements in 2024. Roadways being considered for improvements are shown below. If you have questions, about the project, please contact Alex Bitter, Project Engineer at or 218-316-3627.

2024 Baxter Street Improvements Map

Construction Schedule

Monday (9th): Concrete work will continue on Edgewood Drive.

Tuesday (10th): The contractor will be paving the Elder Drive trail.

Wednesday (11th): Edgewood Drive will be final graded and ready for paving.

Thursday (12th): The first 2 lifts will be paved on Edgewood Drive. With the paving, there will be a lot of trucks and equipment on the road. There will be times with access are not accessible, but this will hopefully be kept to a minimum. Your patience is appreciated. We do not recommend driving on the black top before it is finished being rolled. You could damage your vehicle.

Friday (13th): Black dirt will start being placed.


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